Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pictures, finally!

Admittedly a little overdue, here are some pictures of the trip so far! I figured everyone would want proof that I'm not actually hiding out in a basement somewhere...

Sydney skyline from the Botanical Gardens

Harbor Bridge & Opera House from Mrs. Macquarie's Point, the best spot to view them in the Gardens

This is Herman. He's my travel mascot, and a little shy, so you will probably only see pictures of him at the iconic spots.

Sydney Skyline from Mrs. Macquarie's Point

I don't want to brag, but I've been working out...

Vanessa and I at the Point

Bondi Beach

Bondi sunset

Sydney Skyline at sunset

Aboriginal art at the Contemporary Art Museum

More of the same, it's a style of weaving practiced by certain tribes

These are all depictions of women, each made by a different aboriginal woman

Vanessa, Sven, and I at the Blue Mountains

First giant creepy bug sighting! It's a cicada, and longer than my thumb. There were so many, and they were so loud it physically hurt your ears sometimes!

Wentworth Falls in the Blue Mountains

Lunch in the Garden City

The Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains

There he is again!

Close up of Wentworth Falls

Gorgeous weather in Bondi!

Bondi from the hike to Coogee beach

Boogie boarders on the walk to Coogee

Bondi Sunset

Bad news at our Bondi hostel...
Opera House from the bridge

Harbor bridge from below

Creepy entrance to Luna Park, you walk in through the mouth!

Luna Park's ferris wheel. The park has been there since the 30's

Fireworks over the harbor

Sven, Vanessa, Tom and I during the fireworks

Us again, dodging the massive crowds after the show
Hopefully this will hold everyone over until I can post again!


  1. God, you're beautiful!!! are the pictures.

  2. Replies
    1. He's a pretty lucky little worm! A lot of people said they wanted to stow away in my bag, but he actually managed it! Of course he was due for a little luck, he used to be a caterpillar but all his legs fell off! Poor guy.
