Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ok, here we go, this is my first official blog post ever! And so far it's kind of aggravating trying to figure out how this all works, so bear with me while I figure it out.

It's almost exactly a month until I leave for my trip, and setting up this blog is only one of the roughly 10,000 things I still have to do in order to kind of feel sort of ready to go.

Other than this, I'm still paring down all the stuff I own, which was not an easy thing to get started at all, then got weirdly easy and even cathartic the more things I tossed, sold, or gave away. Now that I've saved and stored only the most sentimental or crucial items that I decided I just can't live without, making the last leap to owning only what I can carry in my backpack is getting kind of tough again. I'll be moving in with my boyfriend for the last two weeks before I leave, so hopefully the idea of having less stuff to drag to Petaluma will be the motivation I need to make the final cut.

Ironically, after getting rid of probably 95% of my earthly possessions, I find myself making lists of new things I need for the trip. I haven't backpacked in a very long time, and the last time I did I packed all wrong, so I'm nervously trying to figure out the perfect combination of stuff that will get me by until I get my feet under me again. I'm sure this is just me clinging too tightly to one of the small aspects of this thing that I can control, but hey, it cuts down on the fear of not being ready to go, so that helps. Also, I'll be on such a tight budget once I'm on the road that I won't have the luxury of new clothes and fancy gadgets, so trying to anticipate and take care of the potentially expensive stuff now feels pretty worthwhile.

After those things, I need to get a ridiculous seeming amount of paperwork together. I finally finished with all the recommended vaccines to exotic, horrible sounding and deadly diseases, and need to make paper and electronic copies of those records, plus the same for my passport, ID, debit cards, financial info, etc, etc, etc... It makes my brain hurt to think of it all, so I've been spending a lot of time on Netflix binges instead of actually being productive. The United States of Tara is an incredibly good show if anyone is looking for a new addiction, by the way.

And then there's the emotional weight growing heavier and heavier in the back of my mind of saying goodbye to family, friends, co-workers, my amazing boyfriend and my cat; stuff so crazy difficult I can't even think about it for long. It's much easier to think of packing lists and whatnot.

I'm incredibly excited to start this new chapter of my life, but I'll be SO relieved once all the prepwork is done! After that it's all adventure, new experiences and the personal growth that those things foster, which, when I remind myself that this is why I'm doing this trip, makes most of that other stuff seem trivial. I'm sure a year from now I'll be laughing at my stressed out pre-trip self, but it's hard to get out of the mindset of a comfortable, predictable, non-portable life without a certain amount of fear for the future. I just keep reminding myself that this kind of fear is a good thing. It means I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something exciting with my life. Every time I've challenged myself like this before I've changed and grown for the better. It's always been worth it, and I'm so happy and grateful that I've been able to seize another opportunity to do something like this.


  1. How exciting!!! Congrats on following your heart!!! What an amazing experience you are going to have!!!

    1. Thanks! Sorry for the delay, I'm just learning how to use this thing :p

  2. As I sit here in the UK, away from you, I read this and it makes me happy to be a part of your life and this experience. Although it will be hard at first, I too have to remind myself that all of this will be a life changing opportunity of growth. Not only for you, but for myself. As our time appart aproaches ever so quickly, I am constantly finding aspects of everyday life that make me appreciate what we have more and more. I still look at this anonymous quote I stumbled upon, and it eases my mind.

    "She is just some wild thing. Let her laugh, live, love and roam free on her own terms and she is sure to come back to you."

    It may be over dramatic, but it captures a bit of what I hope to be true.
    Plus, if creating this blog was anything like posting this reply on an iPad, I applaud you! It's taken me so f'ng long and had to reload sooo many times, create an account, reset my gmail password, sign in and out of different wifi networks on multiple accounts...etc. But hey, I'll settle for 2nd reply :p

    Now, of to the pub. Cheers!

    1. I love that quote, I think it is so perfect and fitting, and I'm glad it eases your mind. You've been so incredible and supportive with all this, and so far all the challenges we have faced together have only brought us closer. It won't be easy, but I think we are going to be just fine :)

      And hopefully it's easier for you to figure out how to respond to these things than it was for me... damn internets! ;)

  3. As I read your blog and think of your coming adventure, I can only think of two things. First, you are so like your mother, she would have loved to know you are experiencing life and the world on your terms, that being said, please do. She is the voice in your head that tells you that you can do this and this will be a wonderful life experience. Second, be world smart, trust no one, trust your instincts, you have a good head on your shoulders, please use it. Give me a time frame for you to be near Croatia, I may have a place for you to stay.

    1. Thanks Todd!

      That's really sweet, it means so much to me to have so much love and support from my family and friends, and knowing that Mom would have felt the same reassures me that this trip is the right thing for me to be doing right now.

      And I promise I'll be safe and make the smart decisions :) I'm not sure yet about a timeline for Croatia, Europe is still pretty far out, but I will definitely let you know!

  4. It was such a great treat to get to spend a little "coffee time" with you last week. I can't wait to read about your adventures and your thoughts in this blog. Happy trails & safe travels.

    1. Coffee was so much fun, I'm glad it worked out! I promise another blog post is coming, it's weird getting the hang of this :)

      Hope the semester goes well!
